
Good News, Everyone!

Hi, and welcome to Yes to Good News where we share some good news, everyone! This episode was filmed on April 3rd, 2020.

First Story

Our first good news story today was from and is about a dog named Hazel in Abilene, Texas. While out on a bathroom break, this dog made an incredible new friend. Hazel had discovered a small stray kitten in the driveway of her home. The dog just happened to be leading this kitten to safety from the pouring rain happening outside. 

“There must be something called pure love. I saw Hazel’s maternal instincts come to light.”

Monica Burks, Hazel’s owner

Hazel continued to lead the stray all the way to his home, stopping when the kitten stopped, making sure she was still there. Even when the kitten couldn’t get over the threshold into Monica’s home, Hazel was right there to help the cat! The dog gently picked her up and helped her into the home!

While Monica doesn’t know where the cat came from, she made sure she ended up in a good home. After naming the kitten Sheba, she gave the kitten to her brother to be certain she would be all right.

Second Story

Our next good news story was featured on This story is about Amberly Batten, and her huge act of generosity. Amberly and her husband had seen CHP’s latest facebook ad asking for help to fill a Medford hotel, which had offered a discounted rate for the charity. 

“I had seen some posts about some people who were homeless that were contemplating suicide because they were cold and didn’t have anywhere to go and that hit something in my core, I had to do something.”

Amberly Batten

Amberly did just that! She decided to rent out 45 hotel rooms for the homeless! This benefited so many people and kept them warm during the winter days in Oregon, including 8 year old Osiris Luis who explained why waking up the next morning would be extra special.

“The reason why is because it’s my birthday tomorrow and I’d like to not spend my birthday in a vehicle. I’d like to be in a room.”

8 year old Osiris Luis

Third Good News, Everyone Story

Our 3rd Yes to Good News story today is from

The Sikh community in Australia has really been helping out people getting groceries during this difficult time. They have spent over 4000$ on a food donation program for the elderly. Another group called the Turbans of Australia have donated 1.5 tons of groceries to people in need. 

While other organizations target the elderly, and disabled, Amar Singh said he would help anyone who calls. He even works a full time job, so he has to use up his spare time to help people.

The Sikh volunteers of Australia also delivered 1000 home cooked meals to the elderly and people unable to access food. Normally, this group delivers food for the homeless twice a week but with this pandemic, they are working around the clock delivering food. 

The Sikhs are even helping in New York where they serve more than 30,000 meals for people stuck in self-isolation.

As Sikhs are helping around the globe, there are also hundreds of other groups sharing the same generosity as well, which brings us to our next good news story.

Fourth Story

This story found on is about two kindhearted sophomores from Montgomery Blair High School in Silver Spring, Maryland. They’ve decided to go out and buy groceries for the people in need around their community.  The idea came when they went out and shopped for their grandparents and neighbors. They then decided to do more and printed out flyers to place around the area.

They helped many people including Jimmy Kraft who is a retired grandfather caring for his handicapped grandchild. He has been unable to shop in fear of bringing the virus home to his grandchild. So when he saw the flyers, his heart was filled with joy. 

The teens then started recruiting more people from other high schools and even some college students.

“This was tremendously helpful! It truly is so amazing that teenagers would spend their time helping one of the most vulnerable populations. I am very grateful for their help and hope that more kids will join them in their efforts.”

Jimmy Kraft

Thank You!

Thank you so much for watching today’s episode of Yes to Good News! We love sharing good news with everyone! We ask that you please hit the ‘like’ button under this video and also subscribe to our channel. When subscribing, be sure to hit the bell notification so that you will be notified of new episodes. The world truly is a great one filled with many good news stories!

If you have a good news story you would like to share with us, please email us at

Be sure to also watch our inspirational clip of the day below. 

Today’s clip is a Ted talk given by Dr. Kakenya Ntaiya. After living in a small village in Kenya and going through a hard life, she decided that other girls should not have to go through the same thing. Kakenya decided to make a major change in her community and start a school for girls!

See you again soon! Be sure to also check out other episodes we have created like this one.